Saturday, August 18, 2007

Inwood Population increased by One

Hello blogosphere and my apologies for my long absence. I went in to labor 2 days after my last post and have since been consumed with tending to my new son! As I should have predicted, my goal to blog twice weekly has been seriously compromised by the little guy's needs, but I intend to continue singing the praises of Inwood here in Cyberspace as regularly as possible. My next substantial post shall be on the topic of Inwood Culture, but in the meantime, here's my Inwood moment for today:

Our baby boy didn't cry much when he came home from the hospital, but in recent days he has started doing that thing that I understand all new babies do...crying for no apparent reason. He's not hungry, not tired, doesn't need a change, and yet he's cranky. He started fussing an hour ago and I was at a loss as to how to make him happy. It happened to be time for my 6 o'clock coffee (a very important part of my new job as mommy) so I poured the coffee in a travel mug, popped Mr. Man into his stroller and headed to Inwood Hill Park. It quieted him down (temporarily) and I headed home, walking East on 218th. As I approached Seaman I came to a halt by Baker Field, stopped in my tracks by a glorious chorus of birds. Now I happen to be fascinated by birds and all types of birdsong, but this was a veritabe avian symphony! I was amazed at how so many birds could be gathered together in one place and singing with such gusto. And in Manhattan! It was quite beautiful. I took a few more sips of my coffee and pushed onward with my stroller, once again tickled to be living in Inwood.